Our Services

Strategies & Design

…Helping Small Businesses & Non-Profits

We understand that Clients are “Too Busy!”, so we help guide our clients to take the burden off their shoulders. We align the solutions to the organization’s strategy and model.

Dahlia Web Designs LLC has the experience with global organizations as well as small businesses and non-profits, with a broad range of knowledge and experience that can provide strategies and support for any type of organization. We are experts in both strategic and tactical solutions.

Let’s Start with Your Brand

What is your brand? How do your customers feel about you?

We help you with your brand to improve how you express your value to your customers.


When we design a solution, we look your whole eco-system to create the right, cost-effective solution to address the organization’s goals.

***** Excellent Customer Service & Customer Satisfaction

Our Support for Your Organization’s Eco-System



Planning – Discovery Phase

  • Identify Website goals. We align design & marketing strategies with your organizational goals.
  • Assess competitor’s advantages
  • Enable clarity to client’s requirements and goals
  • Identify strategy for content, design, marketing, communications with client

Design & Support

  • Website and Blog planning & design
  • Technology planning & design
  • Domain registration, hosting, security and monitoring setup
  • Website monitoring & maintenance
  • Website and Blog reviews & redesign
  • Membership, eCommerce, Secure Merchant accounts solutions
  • eBooks & Flipbooks
  • Artwork & graphics
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Staff Training, project management

Processes & Software Tools

We offer to review your processes to improve efficiencies.

We look at the tools that you use to make sure that they integrate in an effective manner.

We identify software tools that may improve your processes.



We review your organization’s goals to improve your communications with your community. We provide Clients with a strategy that includes opportunities such as:

  • e-Newsletters & Campaigns
  • Content Marketing
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Social Media
  • Client Survey Feedback

eMAIL Marketing

Constant Contact  is the best source for all your marketing efforts, with beautiful, mobile-responsive templates to create your campaign quickly. The real-time reporting provides critical insights to see the results of your campaign.


Constant Contact has partnered with Dahlia Web Designs LLC to help you reach your goals more quickly. We are here to help you succeed in every step of your journey.

As a Certified Constant Contact partner, we can help you make sense of your marketing. We are experts in Constant Contact’s marketing tools, with best practices and knowledge to help you put your ideas into motion. Whether you’re looking for a full- service marketing expert or guidance to getting started, we can help you with the advice and expertise.

Contact us for a free consultation. Or just start your 60-day free trial HERE and we can assist you.


Financial Model

We help you identify the tools to improve the efficiency of your financial model.

We’ll review your requirements to identify best tools.


Team Support

Clients consider us a member of their team. We work with your team. We offer software and systems training for your team. We review the processes that your team utilizes in meeting your goals.

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